The More I Know The Less I Know…



I’ve been silent on here for a bit. Not on purpose; just because I have nothing amazing to say.

I feel like it may be time to start getting on here more… For myself… To journal more…but with my own growth in mind.

Blogging is sooo common these days and I never ever want to do it for self promotion or to please others and so it then turns into journalling more or less and then feeling almost selfish for writing about my life all the time.


This post is about how I have nothing cool or amazing to say. I feel like the more wisdom and knowledge I gain, the less opinions I have. Answers to life’s questions become more muddy as I actually face life and see loved ones face it too. I may have overcome infidelity and deaths of loved ones victoriously but someone else who is earnestly seekng God may not feel they have the same victory in their battles.  I just don’t feel there are as many black and whites anymore.

It’s freeing though because I can only trust that my God has each and every one of us on a different path and He wants to be the only one with the answers. I can offer love and encouragement and truth, but offering advice is something I don’t feel as confident doing these days. Is advice different than encouragement?! I think the only advice I can confidently give these days is to seek Him!

I think we can confidently share what God has done in our lives but know that each person’s journey is soo unique and special so it’s likely our “advice” won’t be perfect for their intricately different life.

The more I learn about God and his goodness, the more I realize I need more … Every day I need him because there will never be a day identical to another and so my need of his guidance and wisdom changes with each new morning!

I feel like a kid and it feels good!

The way my kids trust me each day has taught me how I need to be childlike, fearless, carefree and hungry for knowledge. The more my kids know the more they want to know…Samesies kids…samesies!!!!
